Shop talk and tips
Over our 30 plus years in business, we have learned a thing or two about round engines, and this section gives us an opportunity to pass on some of the collected experience, ideas and technical expertise of our team and the many owners and enthusiasts that we have had the pleasure of working with and talking to at fly-ins through the years. We welcome your comments and feedback on any area of classic aviation and may choose to include ideas or experiences that may benefit others.
Click to browse through the following:
  • Articles - these are a collection of white papers and published articles written by Steve Curry and others on various technical aspects of radial engines.
  • Links - these are sites we use and that you may find helpful to learn more about radial engines or find sources for parts, information or services for your aircraft.
  • Maintenance Video - Developed and filmed at Radial Engines, Ltd, this is an excellent resource for learning how to maintain your radial engine. It provides a walk-thru of many of the routine and not-so-routine maintenance activities. Total length is two-hours, copies are available for purchase.